Thursday, May 6, 2010


Easily the best attention grabbing headline. Now that I have your attention, it has come to my notice that I should be working harder on my “Erotic Capital”, or so says Professor Catherine Hakim in a controversial article in the European Sociological Review. Looking hot is the way ahead in personal and business relations according to the professor.

So how do I get around that when the gym sessions and vitamin supplements obviously aren’t doing the job? What about a full session of liposuction, collagen injections and suitable plastic surgery? Think about it, this could lead to a niche medical practice specializing in R.O.I. facial construction. If I looked like George Clooney or Brad Pitt, could I be running a global company? Consider the “Donald” look to become prosperous in real estate, or even better, the “Branson” look for aviation success. Richard is always busy and would no doubt appreciate a double to help out with all those lavish parties.

The issue of course, is there needs to be substance behind that hot façade. From a business view the look may get you into the meeting but you’ll be found out quick enough if there are no skills to back up the look. The wrapping has to reveal integrity, credibility and business acumen for any long term success.

The old adage of “sex sells” may work for the first date (insert business meeting) but “eventually you’ll have to talk to them”, then what?

Even in the technology world the professor would probably see some good examples, like the many MP3 options that looked good but couldn’t hold a candle to the iPod, remember the Zune? Apple has the sexy look backed by volumes of applications and innovations to carry off the ultimate product in its field.

Professor Hakim said “being attractive to both sexes can earn you up to 10% to 15% more in wages than those without”. I can see it now, the new “Super Model Airline” not knowing where they are flying to, when they are leaving or where the airport is but they sure look good doing it.

Don’t let the wrapper fool you. Peel back the layers to make sure there is enough substance for a business relationship, unless you just want that first date.

I’m thinking a couple of collagen shots maybe worth a 5% wage increase, what do you think?

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