I pride myself on the fact that I don't have spell check on my email and that my mother could read them, if I let her. Depending on the email required, my emails sometimes run long but they never run grammatically suicidal. They don't look or read like my nieces' text messages for the next beer run or who they were tagged with on Facebook. Am I being obsessive, do I have a problem keeping up with the new language and what was wrong with the old one?
Smiley faces, emoticons, purple fonts and parenthesis used for happy or glum were bad enough when it came to business emails but the decoding required for many of today's emails send me into a dictionary spin. When did "LOL" turn into "laugh out loud"? I just thought people were being very caring when signing off on normal emails that I thought were pretty funny. The speed required by conversational email has turned the phone text into common language and intrusively pushed its way into business. You'll be pleased to know that OMG is in some US dictionaries already and it's not likely to be the last acronym to be included as Shakespeare rolls in his grave.
Efficiency is sometimes used as a blame card for bad spelling and grammatical laziness but most of that can be taken care of with software that checks your writing and sends it out correctly. What doesn't make sense is the hard work required to acronym your business emails either by coming up with new ones or smart arse bamboozling the receiver with letters that they can't decode, hence making the message worthless.
Sure we thought ourselves smart with the occasional FYI, ASAP or even FAQ but they were so infrequent that we all got used to them over time and whenever a new one come to being you wanted to be the first on the block to use it, remember BYOG and how pleased you were at the end of the week, TGIF?
WTF, IMO i2 am fighting a losing battle against the tide of alphabet soup EMs, so I'll talk 2 U L8R about how to tackle the the YAA EM syndrome. My best thinking at the moment revolves around hiring nieces and nephews with double jointed thumbs to write my messages while I dictate. 2EZ "Take a letter Maria".
NE chance that U will R8 this BLOG OK or will I have 2 W8 2 C W@ U think L8R or is this 2MI. Either way WYSIWYG
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