In a perfect world, you would wake up to the dulcet tones of water lapping against your yacht as it bobs in the azure waters off Monaco. You would ring a bell and breakfast would appear on a tray carried by the last two Miss Universe winners or the equivalent in the best looking man in the universe category and regardless of how much bacon you ate, your cholesterol would never rise. The sun would not stop shining and you would have Internet access where ever you sailed on the globe. You and George Clooney would then spot up across the gambling tables and enjoy a good hearted round of banter as you win a truck load of money from the casino.
In a perfect world, no one needs to work and no one wants to work. It's retirement heaven and in reality only a dream, unless you win the lottery.
So what does the perfect world for most people look like? For most it would be a place where they garner respect for the work they do, have a lifestyle balance that gives them opportunity to create and be close to the ones they care about and to have the chance to leave a legacy of sorts. Sounds like yours, mine and our lives right now, doesn't it?
If it doesn't, then what do you need to change? What have you got influence over that will enhance your life's experience? What can you change tomorrow that will make your life better?
In a perfect world I would get up in the morning, eat something tasty but still good for me, surf the local break, create some meaningful dialogue with people all over the world, have ideas accepted as intelligent and insightful all the while continuing a relevant career that gives back all I have learnt. As coaching icon, John Wooden used to say, "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." That's starting to sound more like it and for most people has elements of being achievable.
The trick has always been what is possible and what you think is possible. For this, people need to admit to themselves what they are really good at and then decide if that's enough or do they require help to get to that next level to live in that perfect world. So "in a perfect world" ends up being more about how you live your life and what decisions make the most sense to you rather than where you work. After all jobs come and go across your lifetime and if asked, most people would not consider their employment to be part of a perfect world, unless they were working on their passion in life.
So if the daily commute is getting you down and work isn't giving you what you need, think about what your perfect world might look like and decide one way or the other to fix it. Nobody ever said life was easy, they just promised that it would be worth it and in spite of the cost of living, it’s still popular. So let's not hear about what doesn't float your boat but rather what does and then go sailing.
1 comment:
Love it. A great read. Cheers patrick dobbin
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