Saturday, May 18, 2013

Instructions included.

Fasten seat belts, only unleaded petrol to be used, move away from the vehicle, don't stand too close to the edge, this knife may have sharp edges, do not spray in eyes, remove wrapper before eating. Our lives are filled with instructions that often offend our common sense but depending on who or where the instructions come from, we remain entranced and believe every word. Many are outmoded and out dated but the reliance on those instructions are ingrained and unquestioned by many. Experts tell us all the time, how to increase our wealth, how to buy the best shares, where to find happiness and what to do when the batteries run out. Isn't it time we took back what was ours, the decision making process based on common sense and relevant information.

I'll admit common sense has not had the marketing campaign allocated to the latest smart phone and the avalanche of instructions encountered daily provides an overtone we are using less of our brains than intentioned. Working with that thought line, gives way to many of the corporate excuses, like, "we've always done it that way", "let's not fight the tide" and "the boss is always right". Instructions all, to those with no intention of ever standing out, never changing the landscape and not wanting transformation of any kind.

If the experts where really the fountain of all knowledge then my $500.00 invested ten years ago, in the shares espoused by the market share experts in the weekly tabloids would see me with net worth if $3.6 billion today. Instead that $500.00 has long gone the way of many things hinging on the advise of experts. If the experts really were the experts, why aren't they all driving round the latest Aston Martin and living in mansions? Yet we still cling to their every word and follow instructions as if we had no choice.

Today the options for knowledge and information, the ability to change direction and to disrupt and agitate the landscape around you, are endless. We are no longer dependent upon instructions to make good decisions because information was lacking or be adherent to the whims of industry, just because someone says so. If there is one thing to learn from the latest generation, soon to take over the corporate sphere, it's to ask the question Y? Y do it this way? Y not fight the tide? Y is the boss always right?

If technology today is anything to go by, think Apple intelligence and intuitiveness guiding you through a process that used to require manuals, then instructions are no longer required for anything other than operating heavy machinery, how to avoid the tax man and what to do if the batteries really do run out. The rules made by previous generations do not apply if you have access, if you question and if you have courage to change what was. Following instructions is nothing like following your heart and today that is more conceivable than at any time in our history. What are you waiting for, throw those instructions out and try it your way.

P.S. This does not apply to men taking instruction on driving directions from their partners. That remains an immutable law of the universe and should not be tampered with.

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