Thursday, March 22, 2012

Analyse This.

Some time ago I wrote about my consternation regarding the number of Facebook friends I had in relation to how many people I could actually communicate with and what number was appropriate to being liked enough. That consternation was allayed some as I started connecting with some old friends I hadn't heard from in some time, allowing my numbers to grow. So now, to my dismay I find the latest survey, and I believe them all, telling me if I have too many friends I'm a narcissistic grandiose exhibitionist with entitlement and exploitive tendencies. Time to throw out the hair products?

The journal of Personality and Individual Differences found people scored very high on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory survey if they had more than the usual number of Facebook friends, tagged themselves at every opportunity while updating their news feeds, profile photos and taking offense at derogatory comments made about them. So what the social site was designed to do, connect and socialise, effectively classifies those with hundreds and thousands of connections, mostly Gen Ys, into the above categories. I say Gen Ys because not many in the age bracket above, know 1200 people, let alone friends.

The research showing more young people becoming obsessed with self image led Western Illinois University to point out higher levels of GE (grandiose exhibitionism) and EE (entitlement exploitiveness) in Facebookers with friends in the hundreds. Facebook "offers a gateway for hundreds of shallow relationships and emotionally detached communication," said Professor Christopher Carpenter who conducted the study. They found that the so called pro social Facebooking is giving way to a self absorbed, self centred, anti social look at me, I need to be the centre of attention Facebooking for many teens and that is the concern for sociologists and parents alike. Many are calling this the dark side of Facebook and are having difficulties finding ways to address the issues.

So the dilemma now, has me pitched against all that Facebook wants to extoll. What's my solution to having too many friends, having the occasional spa treatment, the new George Clooney eye rejuvenation cream or the photo shopped profile pic? Should I get rid of friends who haven't been to the gym in years? Should I slash and burn through the connections that sometimes tell the truth about the stupid things in the news feeds? How will my self esteem recover if no one notices me?

In the end I ask a few simple questions, is it fun to find old friends, connect with people via photos and stories, make fun of politicians via YouTube entries, like what your friends are up to and interact with people all over the world? Common sense tells me yes and like all countries and society which contain the outlying disengaged, Facebook is no different. It will take time for a balance to be found between what Facebook was designed for and the elements that want bring up only the dark side of people.

While it continues to connect what was lost for many, while it continues to provide platforms for new relationships, continues to be fun and while it works for the 99%, Facebook will remain relevant and common sense tells us to lighten up on the psycho analysis. For kids will always be hard to figure out and not all of them turn out the way you want, irregardless of Facebook or any of the new social networks. I also know, that no matter what I think, my bum doesn't look big in this outfit because my friends tell me so and I have Facebook to thank for that. LOL.

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