Thursday, January 12, 2012

Talent Review.

Lists of the best companies to work for, remuneration reports and New Year resolutions are popular discussions at this time of the year, as people wonder if they can do better than their current job role. Many people with time off to reflect, between bouts of food coma bought on by ham overload and their Grandma's trifle, see visions of greener pastures dance in their heads.

Reports indicating the high percentage of workers looking to move is causing distractions for many, questioning their roles and responsibilities. Workers who in the past, changed for one or two issues encountered at work, now have a whole check list of reasons to exit, making it more difficult to identify the really green pastures. Salary, working environment, including that over bearing boss and recognition were always benchmarks and companies have gone to great lengths to shore up any shortcomings in those areas.

Yet even with the above at acceptable levels, people still leave and companies are challenged attracting new talent. So what else are people looking for when they leave or when they arrive? Depending on the age group there are still enough variants to drive HR crazy.

Culture, as in engaging, exciting and open is a big attraction as companies try and find ways to emulate companies like Zappos, who have a waiting list of people wanting to join. Project work, that used to be defined as the last thing you did before leaving by the side door is now searched out by many as a way to keep the job stimulating and giving avenues for employee passion. Career development, so difficult for many companies, remains high in interview questions and expectations are now much higher from the digital generation. Does management really care, is often on the lips of future employees who are looking for a more nurturing environment. How am I measured and how will I be developed is a catch cry for many of today's Millenials looking at giving companies a good 12 months to prove their effectiveness under threat of moving on.

Yet for many it is a flexibility of work and technology that really matter. Bosses who need to see you at your desk are losing effective staff who have the ability to do more work on their own schedule. ROWE (results only work environment) have proven staff to be healthier, happier and more productive and companies offering such flexibility show increased profits of up to 30%. It's easy to find out if people are spending time at the beach instead of doing their work, suntans for one thing but results and achievements are easily measured recognised.

Along with that flexibility of hours spent in the office many today are also looking at the freedom to socialise on the web and bring their own technology to work. Cisco's latest study looking at 18 to 23 year olds across 14 countries found that 40% to 45% would take a lower salary to have access to social media and bring their own technology to bear in the company environment. Seems Facebook on an iPhone is more important for many, who are eschewing company Blackberries and work stations. Not one to be left behind, Cisco is trialling BYOD (bring your own device) at work as they understand that the opportunities to keep staff are now much wider than just a salary and a clean desk.

So HR now has the opportunity to use a much wider range of attractions for future employees, which makes it a shame to still see so many companies with a factory mindset. Where would you rather work?

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